Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Herbed Chicken Thighs

I typically use Chicken breasts, but the less used chicken thigh is something I am creating more dishes with.  Chicken thighs tend to be more fatty, but what I've done here is cut off most of the fat and used as little olive oil as possible.  I also used a good amount of herbs and greens.

6 pieces boneless skinless chicken thighs
1/2 tbsp fresh Rosemary, chopped
2 sprigs of fresh Thyme
1 medium onion diced
3 cloves chopped garlic, divided
3 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1/2 lbs baby spinach
1/2 lbs Swiss chard leaves cut in half (stalks completely removed and discarded)
1/4 cup olive oil
2 cups fresh sliced mushrooms
1/2 cup dry white wine
1 lemon, juiced
1 tsp red pepper flakes
salt and fresh cracked black pepper

Start of by marinating chicken thighs in the vinegar, thyme, rosemary, 1/2 of the garlic, oil,  red pepper, salt and black pepper for about half an hour.  Next, heat 1 tbsp olive oil and a large deep non-stick pan and add the the onions. Saute for about 3-4 minutes on medium heat. Once soft, add mushrooms stirring frequently for 3-4 minutes then add the garlic and reduce heat so the garlic doesn't burn. Slowly pour in the wine and remaining lemon juice. Continue to stir for another 2-3 mins on med heat. Add the Swiss chard, once wilted add the spinach a time, adding more once the previous bunch wilts a little. Once the greens are wilted, spread the mixture on the bottom of a casserole dish and preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Heat the same non-stick pan well and sear each thigh well 2-3 minutes on each side. Try to brown the thighs nicely and only turn once. Once browned, neatly place each thigh over the mixture in the casserole dish. Cover tightly with aluminum foil and bake for 25-30 minutes. Serve hot and enjoy!

Fragrant Saffron Rice

This is a favorite among my friends. I get a lot of family and friends calling me and asking for this recipe or request me to make this for our next gathering. I make this rice and serve it with anything from Roasted Chicken to Lamb or Curry  stew. My sister eats it alone. This is what you need:

3 cups Basmeti rice
3 cups chicken stock
2 tbsp canola oil
3 threads Saffron (use 1/8 tsp turmeric if you can't get your hands on Saffron)
1/8 tsp ground cardamom
1/2 tsp Rose water (found at most international or middle eastern markets)
salt to taste

Rinse the rice thoroughly and soak  in cold for about 30 minutes.  In a 4 qt pot, bring chicken stock to a simmer and add the saffron allowing it to dissolve while your rice is soaking. This may take about 25 minutes, just make sure the saffron has completely dissolved.

Next add oil, cardamom, and Rose infused water. Mix together well. Drain and add the rice. Cover, and bring to a quick boil. Reduce heat to medium for about 7 minutes. Stir the rice once, reduce the heat to low and continue to cook covered for another 10 minutes or until all the liquid has completely evaporated.  Then, remove from heat, fluff the rice, and let it sit for another 5 minutes, and then serve!

Beef Curry Stew with Rice

This is an authentic Babylonian dish that has never really changed as years and generations pass, It is still a favorite meal. Preparing this dish might seem a little tricky first time around, but with practice it will seem like a second nature. The full flavors will tantalize the taste buds and will defiantly satisfy. 

For the stew:

1/2 lbs chuck roast cut into stew size pieces
1 6oz can tomato paste
1 medium onion chopped
3 cloves garlic chopped
3 medium potatoes (peeled, quartered, and soaked for about 30 mins in cold water)
2 tbsp authentic curry powder (found at most Middle Eastern and Indian markets)
1/2 lemon juiced
salt to taste

Rinse the beef chunks and place in a 6qt pot with 5 cups water and bring to a boil.  Skim the top of the water once it starts to boil.  Add 1 tsp salt, garlic and onions and simmer on low to medium heat for about 1 hour making sure liquid is still available. Next, add the tomato paste and curry powder. You can add water if most of the liquid has evaporated, adding anywhere from 1 to 2 cups and  bring to a rolling boil for about 20 mins. Then add the potato, and lemon juice. Continue to boil on medium heat for another 30 to 35 mins until potatoes have softened. Reduce heat heat again and let it simmer for another 10 minutes. The stew will thicken but if you want a thicker stew, let it simmer a little while longer uncovered.

I have it served here with Fragrant Saffron rice. But you can serve over plain white Basmeti rice.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Chicken Piccata

This is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE Italian dish of all time. The flavors of Chicken Piccata explode in your mouth. It doesn't take much to make this restaurant quality meal. Here is what you need:

6 pieces thin skinless chicken breast
1 lemon juiced
4 cloves chopped garlic
1 small onion sliced thin
2 tbsp capers (rinsed twice)
2 tbsp butter
3 tbsp extra virgin Olive Oil
1 cup dry white wine
2 cups drained artichoke hearts
1 tsp fresh chopped parsley
flour for dredging
salt and fresh cracked black pepper

Heat 2 tbsp oil in a large stainless steel pan. Season your flour with salt and pepper. Rinse your chicken. While moist dredge in flour and shake off excess. Sear the chicken making sure the pan and oil are hot so the chicken will sizzle once it touches the pan. Once all the chicken is in the pan, reduce the heat to medium and keep uncovered. Brown the chicken cooking for 3-4 minutes on each side making sure to only turn the chicken once.

Transfer chicken to casserole dish that has been greased with non-stick spray. Once all the chicken is out of the pan, add butter, remaining olive oil, and onion and saute for 5 minutes. Reduce heat and add the garlic. Saute garlic making sure the heat isn't too high. You want the garlic softened but not browned. Then add artichoke, capers, lemon, wine, parsley, salt and pepper and continue to stir. Scrape off the the browned pieces off the bottom of the pan while stirring the sauce. If the liquid starts to evaporate, add more wine a little at a time. Sauce will thicken but you want it to form a nice creamy consistency.
Next, drizzle the sauce all over the chicken and cover the casserole dish. Place in oven at 300 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Serve hot and enjoy with pasta with basil and garlic sauce!