
I've finally done it.  I know a lot of my friends and family haven't heard from me in a while.  Trust me, its not that I didn't want to call you or return your calls.  I have just been keeping myself crazy busy with a few projects I've been working on.  Now I've got the ball rolling. 

First, thank you for visiting my blog.  The past five years have been non-stop and challenging. Getting married, having a baby ( Isabella, 3) moving from Michigan to Arizona, going back to work full time, having another baby ( oh yes, another baby...this time a boy, Roman 1 1/2) and going back to work again.  I seemed to have lost something during that time that was mine. And that was time for what I love to do. Cook, create, and decorate.  I'm just now starting to put aside time for myself and get back into my constant grind.   So sweeties, just want to let you know, I"M BAACKKK!!  Yeayyy!!!

Those of you who know me well know that I love to entertain my family and friends. I love to cook and conjure up unforgettable presentations with table settings and table scape's.  Just my thing, right?  Well, many of my friends have asked me for my recipes but when we're having a few cocktails, I seem to forget how many pinches of salt and pepper I add to my dips and appetizers. I will be adding new posts and pictures often, so take a look.
