Thursday, September 8, 2011

Tabbouleh Salad (Parsley Salad)

Tabbouleh is a staple in Middle-Eastern cuisine. Originally from Lebanon, Tabbouleh is spelled several different ways, i.e.; Taboulli, Tabooleh, Taboulee. Any way it's spelled, it's simply a parsley salad.  Not only is it tasty, it's healthy, and quite easy to make requiring only a few ingredients.

3 bunches Curly parsley
1 bunch green onions
2 large hard tomatoes diced small
1 cup small cracked wheat
juice of 2 lemons
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 tbsp ground cayenne pepper
salt to taste

Start off by removing parsley from stems. Soak parsley in cold water to clean out dirt. Transfer to a colander and allow it to dry well. About 2 hours.

Once parsley is drained well, finely chop and place in a large bowl. Next dice tomatoes into small pieces and add to parsley. Rinse green onions and remove brown ends, slice thin and add to parsley and tomatoes.  Rinse the cracked wheat and then soak for about 10 minutes in cold water.  Once drained, squeeze any excess water from wheat and add to mix. Blend well and refrigerate.

Add olive oil, juice of lemons, cayenne pepper, and salt to mixture 10 minutes prior to serving and mix well and enjoy.